Friday, October 8, 2010


BLOG HOST, 10-8-2010
Mark 2

            Krista asked me to host for her today, and I am happy to do so.  As you may know, today is my birthday.  So, I am pleased I get to communicate again on my birthday.  Last year, for my 40th birthday, I got to share a message on Legacy and Discipleship in our Thursday Night Homeless Service.  I cannot think of a better honor on your birthday, than to get to share God’s word and love.

            The reading today is so powerful.  I want to focus on one passage, though:

            Matthew 2:19-20:  “Jesus answered, "How can the guests of the bridegroom fast while he is with them? They cannot, so long as they have him with them. But the time will come when the bridegroom will be taken from them, and on that day they will fast.”

            Next year, when we share the Ten Big Life-Changing ideas from Jesus’ words, and we take one idea a month, one of the months will be, that essential to following Jesus is this:  celebration.  Why is this one of the big ten?  Jesus’ earthly ministry was one big party.  I really believe we as Christ-followers have not fully appreciated the atmosphere surrounding Jesus’ earthly ministry.

            Quite often, and just as this passage begins, people would bring someone who was sick to Jesus.  As a matter of fact, Jesus would come to a town, and everyone who was sick or demon-possessed would be brought to Jesus.  And Jesus would heal EVERYONE.  Jesus would set everyone free.  It was a festive atmosphere when Jesus came to town.  

            When people encountered the religious leaders, they felt guilty.  When people encountered Jesus, they sensed hope and destiny.  The religious leaders presented a sober, painful, and judgmental religion.  On the heels of Jesus forgiving the sins and healing the body of a paralyzed man, he was confronted by the religious leaders.  “Why this party atmosphere?  Who do you think you are forgiving sins?  Oh, and why don’t your disciples practice the spiritual discipline of fasting?”  they must have questioned. 

            Jesus’ answer must have challenged them, and it should challenge us today.  While Jesus does not condemn fasting, He makes an incredible point.  This was the day of God’s visitation to earth—this was the day people got healed.  How could anyone grieve, or fast, when the mood of the day was celebration? 

            I wonder, would people accuse us of celebrating too much as Christ-followers?  Have we lost the essence of the atmosphere that should surround our meetings and our lives.  So, on my birthday, I have enjoyed thinking about this most important idea, that is too often overlooked—Jesus wants us to celebrate His presence every day!


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