Sunday, November 7, 2010


You know, I've seen some people get downright silly when the Hogs score a touchdown. And by some people, I include myself. But do I yell and scream and jump up and down when someone comes to church for the first time? I should! (well, not standing right beside them...but maybe in an empty Sunday School class?) I don't ever want to get to the point where someone coming to church, or better yet, accepting Jesus, becomes something of a "Oh that's great" moment and move on. If the angels in heaven are throwing a party over one lost soul, I think we should be doing the same. And I think we are doing a good job of that, especially with our baptism services. It's a huge celebration, and I think the people need to know that we are super excited for the public decision they've made.

Tonight's service was a GREAT encouragement for me. Sometimes you read things, and you know it, but it helps when you hear someone else say it. I have two very close family members that I have been praying for for a LONG TIME. And I have to admit, I was getting really discouraged. It seemed like anytime they would make a step forward, they would always turn around and take 3 back. Pastor Randy reminded us to pray, and keep praying. I needed the encouragement to keep praying. Don't give up! Jesus tells the parable of the prodigal son. He didn't say how long the son was gone. But I have to think it wasn't a short trip. I think it may have been more along the lines of months or years instead of days. And you know that his dad did not miss ONE SINGLE DAY going out and looking and praying for his son to return. He didn't give up. I can't give up. When I get discouraged, I have to keep praying. When you get discouraged, keep praying. Expect God to move in that person's life. And when He does, and the prodigal comes home, CELEBRATE!

Ray Bob

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