Wednesday, December 15, 2010

One Chance

BLOG HOST, 12-15-2010

            In today’s reading, Jesus reminds John the Revelator of a simple truth—“Yes, I am coming soon.”  The writer of Revelation echoes a response—“Come Lord Jesus.” 

            In so much of Jesus’ teachings, there is a theme that lies just under every concept—the time to build on the solid rock of Jesus’ teaching is limited.  Jesus is coming soon.  We have one chance—

One chance to follow
One chance to repent
One chance to love
One chance to pray and fast
One chance to discover our identity in Christ
One chance for unity
One chance for His power for His purposes
One chance to celebrate relation with Him
            One chance for compassion
One chance to accomplish the
            Great Commission.

            We have one chance!
Jesus is coming soon!

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Our Greatest Asset

BLOG HOST, 12-8-2010
ACTS 23 AND 26

            In today’s reading, Acts 26, we read the third time Paul repeated his conversion experience on the Damascus Road.  This may seem repetitive, but I think it is a good lesson for us. 

            Part of God’s plan for each of us is to share with unbelievers the good news that Jesus forgives sin!  My prayer is that God will use my life to see more people in heaven and less people in hell. 

            What is our greatest asset for sharing with others?  Our greatest asset is our story!  We must review it to personally chart our growth, and we must also share it with others.  We all have a Damascus Road experience—every Christ follower has that moment of intervention where the Lord got involved in our lives personally.  Do not be intimidated to share your story!  Paul gave us the example!  Let’s find opportunities to share our story with unbelievers!

            Dear Lord, give me opportunities to share with others, my personal story of Your work in my life!  Thanks for being so active in my life!  I desperately need Your hand upon me. Help me to chart my growth by remembering what you have already done in my life!  Thanks for Your love!  In Jesus’ Name.  Amen.

Sunday, December 5, 2010

But, but...I don't wanna go!

It amazes me how I've seen different sides to Bible stories while doing this blog. Acts chapter 9 tells the story of Saul's conversion. Reading it this time I took away something totally different than I had in times past. Jesus speaks to Saul on the road to Damascus, and this is a very powerful thing. I think what He says to Ananias is even more powerful. Jesus basically says Hey, there's a guy coming, and you're going to lay hands on him and his sight will be restored. Oh by the way, it's Saul of Tarsus. At that point I imagine Ananias started to freak out! I think his heart started racing and he started sweating. I mean, did Jesus REALLY know about this Saul guy? The one locking up all the Christians? Today it would be like Jesus appearing to you and saying "Kim Jong Il has been struck with blindness and you will be the one to place hands on him." If Ananias wasn't scared, then I'm sure he was angry about all the stuff Saul had done. I have to admit I would be the same way if I was told to go and see Kim Jong Il. But you know what? A meeting with Jesus changed Saul. A meeting with Jesus will change ANYONE. And look at the difference one person made in the world. I need to remember that no matter what I think about someone, no matter what that person may have done in the past, Jesus changes people. And it's our job to spread His Name so that people can be changed!